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Showing posts from May, 2017

One on one with David Dabydeen

David Dabydeen, a Guyanese writer and scholar and Sushelia Nasta, founder and editor of  Wasafiri Magazine  have known each other for over 30 years. Therefore their very public conversation flowed with ease and bordered occasionally on personal. At The Old Fire Station in down town Port of Spain, roughly 100 persons eavesdropped and even more so did online . Growing up Dabydeen didn't come from much. He was raised in a small Indian village in Guyana by his illiterate grandparents who raised livestock to get by. Yet still, he described his rural upbringing as a "fantastic experience."   With great fondness, Dabydeen reminisced on his youth, catching crabs, his first love and perfecting his cow impression  —which he demonstrated. However, there was one aspect that he held dear and that was the cursing. More specifically, drunk cursing. "When a Guyanese is drunk and cursing you," he said, "you know you're cursed." The range of vocabulary